Saturday 6 April 2013

Bullshit. All of this is bullshit. Why do I waste my time with stupid things that make you even blinder for the situation. Everything in this planet is becoming worse by every fucking second. People are dying from hunger and what are we doing now?! Wasting our time and potential with some superficial things- money, expensive clothes. We're measuring everything with money and are forgetting that there's a soul within every body that wants to live. We spent tons of hours in misery. We are weak. We cannot bear a stupid fight with a friend, lover etc. Does it matter? It matters only for our miserable life existence or maybe even not for our whole existence but for some days, then we just forget and even laugh at it after some time has passed. We lose precious time in classes that we shall forget, in watching movies that do not count, in reading fairy tales. I want to do something with my life at last. I want to be strong and stop carrying for all of the daily problems. End.

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