Thursday, 23 February 2012

Думата, която описва невъзможното- Завинаги.


The word that describes best the unachievable is Forever.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Осъзнах, че да не спазваш социалните норми е хубаво, защото те са били формирани от общество, в което хората са имали по-малко знания от нас, и нарушавайки нормите, ние всъщност формираме нови, които са вероятно по-добри и освен това водят към прогрес :)
I realized that not following social norms is a good thing, because they were created by a society in which people had less knowledge than us, and when we disobey the norms, we are in fact creating new ones, which are probably better and moreover, leading us to a progress.

Monday, 13 February 2012

PAST, Past, past you slowly fade away and I think I should no longer try to live within you and start to build my future. Yes that's it, that's my new goal, now I'll try to achieve it, which is the easiest part :). easy, Easier, THE EASIEST is yet to come :)

Saturday, 11 February 2012

В един момент на всеки му писва от всичко и в този момент осъзнава, че има нужда от промяна или, че преди е бил по-добре...

Friday, 10 February 2012

Винаги съм се възхищавала на хората, които казват какво мислят и правя каквото искат, защото тези хора са адски силни и превъзмогват задръжките или просто нямат такива, което показва в същност колко силни са, за да не им пука за оценката на обществото и реално може би в точно тези хора се крие бъдещето, защото те гледат от друг ъгъл на нещата и не се въртят около масовото знание.

Monday, 6 February 2012


My feelings are too strong
even to be shown
I sometimes fear them
and don't know what to say, because
even I can't understand:
what's happening to me...
I just know you took
my consciousness away

Saturday, 4 February 2012

A relationship is like the life of a bird. At first love develops from one of the sides of from both, however that life is in an egg shell. Afterwards one of the people breaks that shell and shares his/her feelings. During some time the people are not confident and are learning each others habits. If the relationship is strong enough it will start to fly- to live happily ever after. Thus don't be afraid to break that egg shell or you'll never be able to fly...
What if it was never too late to do something? What if no one would judge you for your deeds? What if whatever you wanted to happen was going to happen if you just did it? Did you think of something you want to say or do?... Well then do it! What's the worst thing that can happen? At least you won't regret for keeping it a secret...